Overview of Key Social Regulations
The Most Important Provisions in One Place:
- Obligation and Type of Registration
- Validity of Registrations
- Current Minimum Wage Rates
The application of social regulations in the transport sector is becoming increasingly complex each year:
- Transport companies often don’t have clear answers to numerous questions.
- Is driver registration mandatory in every country?
- How and where should the driver’s posting be registered?
- What documents must the driver carry?
Social regulations are rarely explained in an accessible and understandable way. Most information is usually available only in a foreign language. Nevertheless, foreign regulatory authorities do not excuse ignorance of the regulations.
Transport companies typically learn about regulatory changes only during an inspection abroad.
Obligation to Register Posted Drivers
Transport Companies Based in the EU
Since February 2, 2022, the provisions of the EU Mobility Package, as per Directive (EU) 2020/1057, apply to the posting of drivers to other EU member states. Driver postings must now be reported via the Internal Market Information System (IMI).
Bilateral and transit transports are exempt from reporting requirements, which apply instead to cabotage and international transport.
Drivers must be reported for each EU country where cabotage or international transport is conducted.
The reporting of drivers, updating data in reports, sending inspection requests by regulatory authorities, exchanging documents, and tracking the status of inspection procedures are all managed through the IMI platform. This platform facilitates comprehensive communication between transport companies and the authorities of EU member states.
Transport Companies from Non-EU Countries
Transport companies from non-EU countries (Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Turkey, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus, Russian Federation, etc.) are subject to the rules and obligations under the national regulations of EU member states that either already had reporting requirements for posted drivers from non-EU companies (Germany, France) or have recently introduced them (Poland, Belgium).
According to the Mobility Package, member states are encouraged to eliminate the current de facto preferential treatment of transport companies from non-EU countries.
Therefore, companies from non-EU countries are required to report posted drivers through national platforms (France, Germany, Poland, Belgium). In Austria and the Czech Republic, there is an obligation to carry the required documents.
In France, there is also an obligation to appoint a representative. In Poland, the appointment of a representative is recommended.
Detailed View of Relevant Regulations
Companies Based in the EU

European Union
Name of the Law:
- EU Mobility Package – Directive (EU) 2020/1057
Application in the Transport Sector:
- Since 02.02.2022
Service EXPO:
- Yes, learn more
Type of Transport:
- Cabotage
- International Transport
Companies from:
- All companies registered in EU member states
Minimum Remuneration for Posted Drivers:
- Determined by collective agreements or general minimum wage, depending on the country.
- Table: Collective Agreement Wages / Minimum Wage Rates in Europe
- Before the posting of drivers via the Internal Market Information System (IMI).
Validity of Reporting:
- 6 months
Companies from Non-EU Countries

Name of the Law:
- MiLoG – Minimum Wage Law
Application in the Transport Sector:
- Since 01.01.2015
Service EXPO:
- Yes, learn more
Type of Transport:
- Bilateral Transport
- International Transport
Companies from:
- Non-EU countries
Representative in Germany:
- Not required
Minimum Remuneration for Posted Drivers:
- 12,82 €
- Before the posting of drivers via the Federal Customs Administration portal
Validity of Reporting:
- 6 months

Name of the Law:
- loi Macron – Law for Economic Opportunity
Application in the Transport Sector:
- Since 01.07.2016
Service EXPO:
- Yes, learn more
Type of Transport:
- Bilateral Transport
- International Transport
Companies from:
- Non-EU countries
Representative in France:
- Required
Minimum Remuneration for Posted Drivers:
- 12,43 €
- Before the posting of drivers via the French Ministry of Labor portal
Validity of Reporting:
- For the duration of each individual transport (loading or unloading)
- Exceptions: Drivers of light transport vehicles can submit reports valid for 6 months

Name of the Law:
- LSD-BG – Act Against Wage and Social Dumping
Application in the Transport Sector:
- Since 01.01.2011
Service EXPO:
- Yes, learn more
Type of Transport:
- Bilateral Transport
- International Transport
- Transit
Companies from:
- Non-EU countries
Representative in Austria:
- Recommended
Minimum Remuneration for Posted Drivers:
- 11,98 – 14,82 €
- Reporting is not required.
- Podnošenje prijava nije predviđeno.
- Note: Mandatory possession of relevant work documents according to Austrian regulations – employee pass with essential data and details from the current employment contract.

Name of the Law:
- Posting Act in Road Freight Transport of 28.07.2023
Application in the Transport Sector:
- Since 19.08.2023
Service EXPO:
- Yes, learn more
Type of Transport:
- Cabotage
- International Transport
- Bilateral Transport
Companies from:
- Non-EU countries
Representative in Poland:
- Recommended, but not mandatory
Minimum Remuneration for Posted Drivers:
- 6,71 €
- Posting must be reported in advance—before the driver’s entry into Polish territory—via the National Labour Inspectorate’s Information and Service Portal using the electronic form “Declaration of Posting.”
- Drivers are also required to carry the electronically completed posting certificate “Confirmation of Posting” from the employer, signed by both the employer and the driver.
Validity of Reporting:
- Valid only between entry into Polish territory and exit, regardless of the type of transport operation—loading, unloading, or transshipment.

Name of the Law:
- Regulation of the Federal Public Service, Labour and Social Dialogue in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2020/1057
Application in the Transport Sector:
- Since 2024
Service EXPO:
- Yes, learn more
Type of Transport:
- Cabotage
- International Transport
Companies from:
- Non-EU countries
Representative in Belgium:
- Not mandatory
Minimum Remuneration for Posted Drivers:
- 13,49 €
- Posting must be submitted in advance via the Information and Service Portal.
Validity of Reporting:
- Valid only between entry into Belgian territory and exit, regardless of the type of transport operation—loading, unloading, or transshipment.
Collective Agreement Wages and Minimum Wage Rates in Europe